gearing ratio
槓桿比率”這個名詞,屬於認股證或備兌證的一個分析數據,主要用來量度它們的槓桿度。通常衍生工具,只需付小量金錢,就可以控制多出數倍價值的資產。「槓桿倍數」是以標的股票的市價除以權證的市價得到的數字。 Gearing(成本槓桿)=標的證券股價÷權證價格
Analysis of data a leverage ratio, "the term, belongs to the covered warrants or certificates, they are mainly used to measure the degree of leverage. Derivatives generally pay only a small amount of money, you can control several times more valuable assets. "leverage" is the underlying stock price divided by the market value of the warrants obtained figures. Gearing (leverage costs) = share price ÷ price of the warrants underlying securities