主要是由於在股市收盤後,傳出影響股價的重要消息,例如利多消息有收購或合併,而利空消息包括公司出現財務危機或主要管理層離職等,令投資者在開盤前已累積非常巨大的買賣盤,在開盤時,由於投資者急於完成買賣盤,於是願意用高於上日最高價買入,或低於前一日最低價賣出股票。在利多消息的情況下,股票之全日最低價高於前一日最高價﹔而在利空消息的情況下,則股票之全日最高價均低於前一日之最低價,由於兩個價格之間出現”斷層”─沒有成交之價格區域,從圖表上看,兩個交易日之間出現一個缺口,從技術分析來區別缺口之形態,可分為四類,包括普通缺口(common gap)﹑突破缺口(breakaway gap)﹑逃逸缺口(runaway gap)及竭盡缺口(exhaustion gap)。
Mainly due after the market closed, the outgoing important news affecting the stock price, such as the acquisition or merger good news, bad news and including the company's financial distress or key management leave, etc., before the opening bell as investors accumulated huge orders, at the open, as investors rush to complete orders, so willing to buy higher than the previous day's highest price, lower than the day before or the lowest sell stocks. In the case of good news, all day higher than the lowest price of the day before the stock's highest price; while in the case of bad news, the stock of the day's highest price were lower than the lowest price of the previous day, as between the two prices the "fault" ─ no price of the transaction area, from the graph, there is a gap between the two trading days, from technical analysis to distinguish the form of the gap can be divided into four categories, including ordinary notch (common gap) ﹑ breakthrough notch (breakaway gap) ﹑ escape notch (runaway gap) and do gap (exhaustion gap