fully-diluted shares
假設上市公司將所有可轉換的證券(convertible securities)轉換為普通股﹐而且所有已發行的認股權證﹑股權﹑期權等被行使的情況下﹐該上市公司全部的股票數量。即全部行使股數﹐等於將該公司的所有證券數目與期權﹑認股權證﹑股權等數目相加得到的總值。
Listed companies will assume all convertible securities (convertible securities) converted into ordinary shares, and the case of all of the outstanding warrants ﹑ ﹑ options and other equity are exercised, the full number of shares of the listed companies. That is fully exercised the number of shares equal to the number of the number of all securities and writes options, warrants and other equity the company ﹑ obtained by adding the total value.