旗形屬於調整形態之一中,可分成上升旗形(rising flag)及下降旗形(falling flag) 。是指在經過一段時間的漲升、下跌後,到進入盤旋整理的階段中,由於多空雙方的拉鋸戰;使股價只能以較小幅度又緊密的價格,而以類似平行四邊形變動,這種圖形就像迎風飄揚的旗子所以稱之為「旗形」。上升旗形通常在牛市第三期出現,暗示牛市進入尾聲;下降旗形通常在牛市第一期或第三期出現。旗形整固期,則往往在三至四個星期之內。凡見上升旗形,宜在突破向上時買入;凡見下降旗形,宜在突破下限支持線時,盡快賣出。
Flag belongs to adjust one embodiment, it can be divided into the flag-shaped (rising flag) and flag fall (falling flag). Going up means after a period of decline, to enter circling finishing stage, since the long and short sides of the tug of war; only in smaller increments so that the stock price and close, and in a similar parallelogram to change this species graphics flag fluttering in the wind like so called "flag." The flag-shaped usually appear in the third phase of the bull market, suggesting that the bull market coming to an end; drop the flag usually appears in the first phase of the bull market or third period. Consolidation of the flag is often three to four weeks. Where a flag-shaped supra, should buy when the break up; who see the flag fall, should be in the lower supporting line break when sold as soon as possible.