financial intermediary
經濟體系內一些專責扮演資金調配角色的機構。金融中介機構可以依據顧客的不同需要,提供訂製的財務服務,包括成熟度、容量、財務資訊、財務操作等。這些機構先以自己的名義發售金融工具予盈餘單位 ,吸納了他們手上的閒置資金,然後再以自己名義,動用資金購入不敷單位 (saving-deficit unit) 所發出的金融工具,藉此將盈餘單位的儲畜,有效地調配到需要資金者手上運用。對盈餘單位來說,金融中介機構是他們的債務人,但對不敷單位來說,金融中介機構 是他們的債權人,在融資的過程中,金融中介機構承擔了負債的責任風險。
Some within the economic system dedicated allocation of funds to play the role of institutions. Financial intermediaries can be based on different needs of customers, providing customized financial services, including maturity, capacity, financial information, financial operations. These institutions prior to the sale of financial instruments on their own behalf to the surplus units to absorb idle funds in their hands, and then in his own name, the use of financial instruments is not enough funds to purchase units (saving-deficit unit) issued, whereby Reserve surplus livestock units, efficient deployment of funds by the need to use hands. For surplus units, financial intermediaries are their debtors, but not enough units, financial intermediaries are their creditors in the process of financing, the financial intermediaries took responsibility for risk liabilities.