exceptional items
特殊項目指並非由經營業務所得的利潤或虧損。假設公司以銷售食品為主,卻大肆投資股票、物業等項目,由這些項目所得的利潤將稱為特殊利潤(exceptional profit),並會列入特殊項目欄內;若不幸投資失敗,投資項目價格下跌,或需為逾期放款、呆滯貸款、壞帳作出撇帳,所得的虧損將稱之為特殊虧損(exceptional loss),同樣列入特殊項目一欄。
It refers to the special items are not business profits or losses. Suppose the company to sell mainly food, but wantonly investing in stocks, property and other projects, the project will be referred to the profits of these special profit (exceptional profit), and will be included in special items box; if the investment fails, unfortunately, the price of investment projects down, or the need for the overdue loans, doubtful loans, bad debt write-off, the resulting loss will be referred to a special loss (exceptional loss), the project also included a special column.