earnings per share
每股盈餘簡稱EPS,等於公司稅後淨利(net profit after tax)除以流通在外的普通股股數。指公司利潤按已發行股票數平均計算,並不等於股東的實得股利。亦即:公司稅後盈餘所得除以平均流通在外股數。是上市公司除稅後利潤除以該公司已發行普通股股數之商,亦即每一股普通股可攤分之公司稅後利潤。例如,某公司盈利一百萬元,已發行之普通股股數為一百萬股,則其每股盈利為一元。假如利潤上升,而發行之股票數目不變,則該公司之每股盈便上升。
Earnings per share referred to EPS, equal to the company's net profit after tax (net profit after tax) divided by the number of outstanding common shares. Refers to the company's profit according to the average number of shares outstanding to calculate, does not mean that shareholders have real dividends. Namely: income after tax operating earnings divided by the average number of shares outstanding in circulation. Listed companies profit after tax divided by the number of the Company's issued ordinary shares providers, ie each share of common stock per share of after-tax profits can be. For example, a company profit of $ 1 million ordinary shares in issue Chunghwa million shares, its earnings per share of one dollar. If profits are up, and the number of shares in issue remains unchanged, the company's earnings per share will rise.