(1)一般義﹕為消除盈余或為了擊敗外國的競爭而已低于成本的價格將商品銷售到其它國家。 (2)一般義﹕在美國指以低于製造成本的價格出售進口商品。 (3)證券義﹕很少考慮或不考慮價格和市場狀況﹐大量拋售證券。
(1) The general meaning: to eliminate the surplus in order to defeat foreign competition or just below cost price to sell goods to other countries. (2) general sense: In the United States refers to the manufacturing cost is lower than the sale price of imported goods. (3) Securities meaning: rarely consider or not consider the price and market conditions, massive sell securities. 提出修改建議 (1) The general meaning: to eliminate the surplus in order to defeat foreign competition or just below cost price to sell goods to other countries. (2) general sense: In the United States refers to the manufacturing cost is lower than the sale price of imported goods. (3) Securities meaning: rarely consider or not consider the price and market conditions, massive sell securities. 提出修改建議 (1) The general meaning: to eliminate the surplus in order to defeat foreign competition or just below cost price to sell goods to other countries. (2) general sense: In the United States refers to the manufacturing cost is lower than the sale price of imported goods. (3) Securities meaning: rarely consider or not consider the price and market conditions, massive sell securities. 提出修改建議 (1) The general meaning: to eliminate the surplus in order to defeat foreign competition or just below cost price to sell goods to other countries. (2) general sense: In the United States refers to the manufacturing cost is lower than the sale price of imported goods. (3) Securities meaning: rarely consider or not consider the price and market conditions, massive sell securities. 提出修改建議 (1) The general meaning: to eliminate the surplus in order to defeat foreign competition or just below cost price to sell goods to other countries. (2) general sense: In the United States refers to the manufacturing cost is lower than the sale price of imported goods. (3) Securities meaning: rarely consider or not consider the price and market conditions, massive sell securities. 提出修改建議 (1) The general meaning: to eliminate the surplus in order to defeat foreign competition or just below cost price to sell goods to other countries. (2) general sense: In the United States refers to the manufacturing cost is lower than the sale price of imported goods. (3) Securities meaning: rarely consider or not consider the price and market conditions, massive sell securities. 提出修改建議 (1) The general meaning: to eliminate the surplus in order to defeat foreign competition or just below cost price to sell goods to other countries. (2) general sense: In the United States refers to the manufacturing cost is lower than the sale price of imported goods. (3) Securities meaning: rarely consider or not consider the price and market conditions, massive sell securities. 提出修改建議 (1) The general meaning: to eliminate the surplus in order to defeat foreign competition or just below cost price to sell goods to other countries. (2) general sense: In the United States refers to the manufacturing cost is lower than the sale price of imported goods. (3) Securities meaning: rarely consider or not consider the price and market conditions, massive sell securities. 提出修改建議 (1) The general meaning: to eliminate the surplus in order to defeat foreign competition or just below cost price to sell goods to other countries. (2) general sense: In the United States refers to the manufacturing cost is lower than the sale price of imported goods. (3) Securities meaning: rarely consider or not consider the price and market conditions, massive sell securities. 提出修改建議 (1) The general meaning: to eliminate the surplus in order to defeat foreign competition or just below cost price to sell goods to other countries. (2) general sense: In the United States refers to the manufacturing cost is lower than the sale price of imported goods. (3) Securities meaning: rarely consider or not consider the price and market conditions, massive sell securities. 提出修改建議 (1) The general meaning: to eliminate the surplus in order to defeat foreign competition or just below cost price to sell goods to other countries. (2) general sense: In the United States refers to the manufacturing cost is lower than the sale price of imported goods. (3) Securities meaning: rarely consider or not consider the price and market conditions, massive sell securities. 提出修改建議 (1) The general meaning: to eliminate the surplus in order to defeat foreign competition or just below cost price to sell goods to other countries. (2) general sense: In the United States refers to the manufacturing cost is lower than the sale price of imported goods. (3) Securities meaning: rarely consider or not consider the price and market conditions, massive sell securities. 提出修改建議 (1) The general meaning: to eliminate the surplus in order to defeat foreign competition or just below cost price to sell goods to other countries. (2) general sense: In the United States refers to the manufacturing cost is lower than the sale price of imported goods. (3) Securities meaning: rarely consider or not consider the price and market conditions, massive sell securities. 提出修改建議 (1) The general meaning: to eliminate the surplus in order to defeat foreign competition or just below cost price to sell goods to other countries. (2) general sense: In the United States refers to the manufacturing cost is lower than the sale price of imported goods. (3) Securities meaning: rarely consider or not consider the price and market conditions, massive sell securities. 提出修改建議 (1) The general meaning: to eliminate the surplus in order to defeat foreign competition or just below cost price to sell goods to other countries. (2) general sense: In the United States refers to the manufacturing cost is lower than the sale price of imported goods. (3) Securities meaning: rarely consider or not consider the price and market conditions, massive sell securities. 提出修改建議 (1) The general meaning: to eliminate the surplus in order to defeat foreign competition or just below cost price to sell goods to other countries. (2) general sense: In the United States refers to the manufacturing cost is lower than the sale price of imported goods. (3) Securities meaning: rarely consider or not consider the price and market conditions, massive sell securities. 提出修改建議 (1) The general meaning: to eliminate the surplus in order to defeat foreign competition or just below cost price to sell goods to other countries. (2) general sense: In the United States refers to the manufacturing cost is lower than the sale price of imported goods. (3) Securities meaning: rarely consider or not consider the price and market conditions, massive sell securities. 提出修改建議 (1) The general meaning: to eliminate the surplus in order to defeat foreign competition or just below cost price to sell goods to other countries. (2) general sense: In the United States refers to the manufacturing cost is lower than the sale price of imported goods. (3) Securities meaning: rarely consider or not consider the price and market conditions, massive sell securities. 提出修改建議 (1) The general meaning: to eliminate the surplus in order to defeat foreign competition or just below cost price to sell goods to other countries. (2) general sense: In the United States refers to the manufacturing cost is lower than the sale price of imported goods. (3) Securities meaning: rarely consider or not consider the price and market conditions, massive sell securities. 提出修改建議 (1) The general meaning: to eliminate the surplus in order to defeat foreign competition or just below cost price to sell goods to other countries. (2) general sense: In the United States refers to the manufacturing cost is lower than the sale price of imported goods. (3) Securities meaning: rarely consider or not consider the price and market conditions, massive sell securities. 提出修改建議 (1) The general meaning: to eliminate the surplus in order to defeat foreign competition or just below cost price to sell goods to other countries. (2) general sense: In the United States refers to the manufacturing cost is lower than the sale price of imported goods. (3) Securities meaning: rarely consider or not consider the price and market conditions, massive sell securities. 提出修改建議 (1) The general meaning: to eliminate the surplus in order to defeat foreign competition or just below cost price to sell goods to other countries. (2) general sense: In the United States refers to the manufacturing cost is lower than the sale price of imported goods. (3) Securities meaning: rarely consider or not consider the price and market conditions, massive sell securities. 提出修改建議 (1) The general meaning: to eliminate the surplus in order to defeat foreign competition or just below cost price to sell goods to other countries. (2) general sense: In the United States refers to the manufacturing cost is lower than the sale price of imported goods. (3) Securities meaning: rarely consider or not consider the price and market conditions, massive sell securities. 提出修改建議