(1)一般義﹕在幾個人或實體之間分割的東西﹔將所有和費用分攤到相關的明細帳目中的過程。 (2)一般義﹕團體總收入在其成員中的分配。 (3)投資義﹕在一段時期內﹐沒有過分壓低市場價格而出售大量股票。參見Secondary Distribution. (4)共同基金義﹕基金證券組合中已實現的股票資本收益的支出。 (5)封閉型投資公司義﹕封閉型投資公司的有價證券組合中已實現的股票資本收益的支出。
(1) general sense: among several people or entities split things; and cost-sharing to all relevant detailed account of the process. (2) general meaning: Group total income distribution among its members of. (3) investment sense: in a period of time, not too depressed market prices and selling large quantities of stock. See Secondary Distribution (4) mutual funds justice: a combination of spending stock fund capital gains realized securities. Equity Capital revenue expenditures closed investment company securities portfolio has been achieved: (5) closed - end investment company meaning.