(1)一般義﹕從一張票據的面值裡扣除的金額。 (2)外匯義﹕二種通貨間的關係。譬如﹐加拿大元兌換成美元是要打折扣的。 (3)投資義﹕優先股或債券出售時低于其票面價值的量。 (4)投資義﹕“計及”﹐如同股票價格中已經考慮了預期紅利的萷減。
(1) general sense: from the face value of the amount of a bill in the deduction. (2) foreign exchange meaning: the relationship between the two kinds of currency. For example, the Canadian dollar is converted into to be discounted. (3) Investment justice: an amount less than its face value when the bond or preferred stock sale. (4) Investment righteousness: "account", as stock prices have been considered expected dividends Xiao reduced.