(1)用來描述無擔保的債務﹐一般為長期負債。 (2)作為投資售出的公司債務。公司憑信譽為保證而發行的無抵押長期債券,通常信譽高或不動產較少的公司會發行此種債券。 僅憑公司的信譽所發行的無抵押債券,載有貸款金額、利息和償還時間。
(1) is used to describe unsecured debt, usually long-term liabilities. (2) as the company's debt investments sold. Companies with long-term unsecured bonds issued in order to ensure the credibility, reputation or less generally high real estate company will issue such bonds. Alone unsecured bonds issued by the company's reputation, carrying amount of the loan, interest and repayment time.