common gap
稱為普通缺口是因這種缺口時常出現,也被稱為區域缺口,而通常是為整理型態,就短線技術而言意義不大。常出現在三角形和矩形的反轉或整理的形態中,而是在交易熱絡,在價格更是密集的成交情況下所形成的跳空缺口。這種缺口常常發生在價格變動形成一個鞏固的底或頂之後, 由於突發性的政治或經濟事件發生,使交易價格跳躍。一般認為,普通缺口在日後的交易中是會補回的,就是說,上升走勢中留下的缺口會在日後回落補上; 在下跌的走勢中,留下的缺口會在日後補上。不過,這是一般的說法,並非必然規律。實際上,一旦缺口出現,價格就急劇運動。上升的繼續上升,下跌的繼續下跌,一去不返的情形常常發生,即使可能補回,也常常在幾個星期甚至幾個月以後。
Called common gap is due to this gap often appears, also known as the gap region, but usually for finishing patterns, little significance on short-term technical terms. Often appear in inverted triangles and rectangles or order form, but in trading warm, upward gap in price is under intensive turnover formed. This gap often occur after price movements to form a consolidated bottom or top, due to the sudden political or economic events occur, so that the transaction price jump. Generally it believed that the general gap in future transactions will make up, that is, the gap left by the rising trend in the fall make up the future; the trend of decline, leaving the gap will fill in later. However, this is a general statement, not necessarily law. In fact, once the gap appeared, sharp price movement. The rise continued to rise, decline continued to fall, the situation often occurs gone, if not impossible to make up, often in a few weeks or even months later.