certified financial planner (CFP)
Certified Financial Planner 簡稱CFP。財務企劃師為一具有國際認可的專業資格,各方面都有涉獵的通才,主要工作是為客戶的資產作出適當的安排,使其得到合理的回報及保障。所受的訓練主要在幫助客戶發展、制定和維持一個完整的財務計畫。一個合格的財務企劃師至少要具備三年的財務規劃經驗,並且通過相當嚴苛的考試,同時還必須每年進修。
Certified Financial Planner referred CFP. Financial planners is an internationally recognized professional qualifications, all aspects are covered generalist, the main work is to make appropriate arrangements for the client's assets to get a reasonable return and protection. We are trained primarily in helping clients develop, develop and maintain a complete financial plan. A qualified financial planners to have at least three years of financial planning experience and is quite demanding test, but also must learn each year.